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Unique connections, cintelligent communication

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The solution you need in your business

Increase your sales, integrate all your communication channels, optimize customer service and leave complex and unproductive processes behind.

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sell more,
sell better
Automate your sales on WhatsApp with virtual assistants.
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Improves attention
to your clients
Don't miss a single conversation, respond 24/7 immediately through virtual assistants, provide a more personalized experience to your customers and centralize all your channels on a single platform. 
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Forget about the
repetitive tasks
Automate your processes intelligently, optimize efforts and focus on what is important in your business.

Experience the power of Artificial Intelligence

Our great ally

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We have the support of IBM, one of the world's leading technology companies and the number one providing Artificial Intelligence services with its Watson platform.x.

We have a flexible, high-performance solution, capable of integrating into any external or internal company system and 100% hosted on IBM Cloud.

We are a solution that allows you to accelerate the implementation of virtual assistants to boost your business and take it to the forefront of your industry.

Direct integration with any solution

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Laraigo | Start

Integration with all communication channels

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Artificial Intelligence Integration

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Laraigo | Start

Some of our customers