Laraigo | Spam Call Elimination: A New Protection for Consumers


Spam Call Elimination: A New Protection for Consumers

In Peru, Congress has unanimously approved legislation aimed at putting an end to annoying calls and messages spam that affect millions of users in the country. The measure, promoted by the Consumer Defense Commission and supported by Indecopi, seeks to safeguard the emotional integrity and privacy of consumers against the intrusive practices of companies.

Previously, companies could make calls to users without any limits, causing significant inconvenience to their customers. With the new regulations, no company will be able to carry out phone calls not requested or sent text messages either emails without the express prior consent of the consumer. Violations of this law will be considered "very serious" and may result in fines of up to 450 UIT (S/2 million 317,500), administered by Indecopi.

The legislative change, which will come into effect soon, arises in response to the Executive's previous observations and seeks to balance regulation to protect users without impeding legitimate commercial activities. This initiative represents a significant step towards reducing the nuisance caused by abusive marketing practices in the country.

With these measures, it is expected that consumers can enjoy greater peace of mind and privacy in their electronic communications, thus strengthening their rights against the invasive practices of companies.

Information extracted from Trade, “Congress approved the elimination of spam calls: When will I stop receiving these types of communications?”

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