Laraigo | Do you know the difference between Unique Active Contacts in Laraigo and Accumulated Active Contacts in other contactability platforms?


Do you know the difference between Unique Active Contacts in Laraigo and Accumulated Active Contacts in other contactability platforms?

In customer communication management, the terms MAC (Monthly Active Contact) and cumulative contacts are crucial to understanding how engagement and reach are measured in a contactability platform. Although both concepts refer to the number of contacts, they have different implications in terms of costs, efficiency, and marketing and sales strategies. Below, we break down these concepts using our Laraigo platform as a reference.

MAC (Monthly Active Contact) Concept – Unique active contacts in Laraigo

Definition: MAC, which stands for Monthly Active Contact, refers to the number of unique contacts that interact with a company or business in a given calendar month. In this context, “active” means that contacts are engaged and taking action, whether that’s sending messages, responding to communications, or otherwise participating.

Example: Your company uses a platform like Laraigo which uses the MAC concept to measure its monthly contacts. In January, a client named Juan communicates through any channel with LaraigoFor our platform, Juan will only be counted as a single active contact in January. If in February Juan does not contact Laraigo, is not considered an active contact this month. 

This method simplifies contact accounting and helps the company better manage its resources by actually paying per contact on a month-to-month basis.


  1. Cost efficiency: By counting only unique active contacts in a month, you can optimize costs related to communication, since you only pay for the actual number of contacts that interact with your business in each month. 
  2. Clear vision of real interaction: It gives you an accurate view of the number of contacts that actually interact with your company, allowing you to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns and communication strategies month by month.

Concept of accumulated active contacts on other platforms

Definition: Accumulated contacts refer to those contacts who have interacted with your company since you purchased the plan and who accumulate over the months that the plan contemplates, regardless of whether or not they interact with your business again.

Example: Let's suppose that your company acquires a plan with a platform that we will call  “X” which does not use the MAC concept and offers accumulated contact plans,. In January, the same client called Juan communicates through any channel with “X”, Juan will only be counted as an active contact in January, but if in February Juan will not contact “X”, in the definition of accumulated contact plans, John will continue to be an active contact this month.

In conclusion Laraigo As a contact platform, it offers in all its plans MAC This will allow you to better manage the costs associated with active contacts and ensure that you are only paying for the actual amount of interaction each month as opposed to what happens with accumulated contacts. Keep in mind that by purchasing an accumulated plan, contacts will run out much faster, so you will end up paying more for inactive contacts that do not generate new sales for your business.
