Laraigo | The role of women in the technology industry A fundamental role!


Laraigo | The role of women in the technology industry A fundamental role!

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The role of women in the technology industry A fundamental role!

The presence and contribution of women in the technology industry has not only been significant, but vital for its evolution and progress. Over time, women have played fundamental roles in the development of technological advances that have profoundly transformed our society.

Since the beginning of computing, figures such as Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Margaret Hamilton and among others have left an indelible mark. Lovelace, considered the first programmer in history, anticipated the potential of computers long before they existed, laying the foundation for what we know today as computer programming. Her vision and skills have inspired generations of women to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

As technology has advanced, women have continued to challenge gender stereotypes, playing key roles in fields such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, biotechnology and software development, which can be interpreted as a breakthrough. Including different voices and experiences in the technology creation process not only promotes gender equity, but also results in more complete and effective solutions. However, despite the progress made, significant challenges remain as women continue to be underrepresented in the technology industry, especially in leadership roles and technical fields. Women only occupy 25% of management positions in Latin America and the Caribbean, while “only 17% of companies in the region have a woman as CEO” according to the Inter-American Development Bank. *

Barriers such as gender bias, lack of role models and discrimination in the workplace continue to be obstacles that must be overcome and to address these challenges, greater inclusion must be promoted. According to a McKinsey & Company report on women in the workplace, 58% of women surveyed worldwide believed there were barriers to women's advancement in the workplace, such as gender biases and stereotypes. For this reason, it is essential to foster a company culture that values and celebrates gender diversity, this includes implementing equitable hiring policies, providing professional development opportunities and supporting initiatives that promote the participation of women from an early age.

Additionally, it is crucial for technology companies and organizations to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women in the industry, as well as highlight the successes and contributions of women, which not only inspire others to follow in their footsteps, but also help change the general perception of the role of women in technology.
