Laraigo | Why have a chatbot in a CRM platform?


Laraigo | Why have a chatbot in a CRM platform?

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Why have a chatbot in a CRM platform?

CRM and Chatbots have become key tools to ensure the growth of a company. If what you are looking for is to obtain the best benefits, you should know that it is advisable to integrate both tools. Thus, you will be able to increase the sales of your brand.

To have good results, it is important to implement the chatbot on the channels where your users interact most with your brand. In such a way that the information collected in all these interactions reaches the CRM to study and use it. 

If your chatbot has access to the CRM you can retrieve important information

Having all the information about your potential clients is a key factor to improve your results. having your chatbot integrated into CRM, You will be able to coordinate all the information collected through the different channels of your company. This way, you will be able to use it as best as possible and immediately.

You will know which channels to use for your Marketing campaigns

When creating your marketing campaigns, it is essential to know the channels where your audience spends the most time. This way, you ensure that the majority receives the information you want to share. 

By integrating your chatbot into Messenger and WhatsApp (2 of the most used messaging apps worldwide), for example, you will increase your sales opportunities. Furthermore, together with your CRM, you will have the characteristics of your clients more clearly. This will help you achieve success in the campaigns you develop. 

Using a chatbot + CRM you will have happier and potential clients to retain

Now your sales team will be focused on improving quick responses and closing sales. Additionally, if a complex query arises, the information will reach your CRM to refer it immediately. This is how your team will be able to provide a quick solution to your clients.

Have a chatbot in a CRM platform It is one of the best strategies to increase your sales. In Laraigo, chatbot and CRM specialists, we help you integrate these tools and obtain better results. Do you need to talk to us? Let's schedule a space here.
