Laraigo | Best Practices for Creating Effective WhatsApp Bulk Message Templates


Best Practices for Creating Effective WhatsApp Bulk Message Templates

Have you ever created a message template to send mass messages via WhatsApp? If so, you should know that an effective template can help you communicate with your customers quickly and efficiently. In this article, we are going to explore best practices for creating effective WhatsApp bulk message templates that can improve communication with your customers.

Why use WhatsApp bulk message templates?

The templates of WhatsApp mass messages They can be a very useful tool to more effectively communicate a commercial offer or new product from your brand with your customers. In addition, you can segment your communication to a list of clients or potential clients to obtain better results. Here are some best practices to get started writing them:

1. Be brief and to the point 

When creating a WhatsApp message, it is important to be brief and to the point. WhatsApp messages have a character limitation, so you should make sure your message is short and concise. In addition, the message must be easy to understand and respond to the client's need and campaign objectives.

2. Personalize the message 

It is important to personalize the message as much as possible. Include the client's name or information relevant to the context of the communication. This shows the customer that you are offering them something special.

3. Use emojis 😍

Emojis are a great way to add a personal touch to the message and make communication more enjoyable. However, make sure you don't go overboard with the emojis. Use only those that are relevant and appropriate.

4. Be cordial and friendly

WhatsApp messages tend to have a more informal tone than formal emails or letters. Use a friendly and cordial tone to make communication more pleasant and personal.

5. Include a call to action

At the end of the message, include a call to action to encourage the customer to take the action you want. For example, if you're sending a follow-up message template, you can include a call to action for the customer to schedule a new meeting with you, use a discount code, or confirm a service or service appointment.

6. Customize templates based on customer lifecycle stage

It is important to customize your mass message templates according to the stage of the customer lifecycle. WhatsApp message templates for potential customers will be different from message templates for loyal customers. Be sure to tailor the tone, message length, and call to action based on each segment's buying cycle stage.

These are some best practices you should keep in mind as you start writing your messaging campaigns. Start sending mass messages to a list of clients today or schedule one-on-one notifications via WhatsApp with Laraigo Omnichannel CRM.

Contact us and one of our specialists will guide you immediately so that you can start taking advantage of all the benefits of the platform.
