Laraigo | What is happening with Meta AI? Now you can access this virtual assistant from your WhatsApp and other social networks


What is happening with Meta AI? Now you can access this virtual assistant from your WhatsApp and other social networks

You have probably seen some change in your WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, or messenger, and by that change we mean a little blue circle located at the top of your search engine, which means that you would already have Meta AI installed, one of the main assistants world-renowned virtual platforms, which will allow you to:

  • Have conversations with Meta AI 
  • Use Meta AI in existing group chats
  • Ask questions and get helpful recommendations
  • Talk about shared interests
  • Interact with your content
  • Create AI-generated images in chats

Meta's virtual assistant, as we mentioned above, can perform a wide variety of tasks, from answering general questions to helping with specific tasks such as travel planning or product recommendations. Its ability to learn and adapt to user preferences makes it increasingly useful and personalized. 

But how is it possible to do all this?

Meta explains to its users that the new technology integrated with Llama 3 demonstrates cutting-edge performance on a wide range of industry benchmarks and offers new capabilities, including improved reasoning. In addition, the new Llama 3 model can converse in eight languages, write higher quality computer code and solve more complex mathematical problems than previous versions.

In this way Meta AI, powered by Llama 3, brings innovations that make your virtual assistant smarter, faster and more creative!

Did you know that in Laraigo, you can also integrate advanced AI technologies into your virtual assistant, such as Llama 3, which will allow you to provide intelligent and coherent responses, interpret audios, and much more to provide efficient and personalized attention to each of your clients ?. Discover here how our technological solutions can transform your company and take it to the next level.
