Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities


Laraigo|Laraigo – V3 functionalities

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Our Features

Get to know the full potential of Laraigo! We present the functionalities of the platform that will revolutionize your business.

Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities

Integra the catalogs uploaded in your Meta Business Manager so that you have them connected in your communication channels such as: WhatsApp, Messenger or Instagram.

Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities

Integrate your catalogs, shopping cart and payment gateway to your WhatsApp flows. You can also integrate virtual assistants who will respond for you immediately and 24/7.

Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities

Integra your automated conversational flows or that of human agents, at best payment gateways From the market.

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  • By WhatsApp, email, phone calls, SMS, among others.
  • Notify your clients about offers and promotions in a personalized way.
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  • Schedule the sending reminders or alerts such as renewal dates, scheduled appointments.
  • Manage calendar and agenda integrated with Google Calendar: Clients will be able to view the availability of your agenda in real time.
Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities
  • Share a list of your commercial premises closest.
  • Validate the customer's address.
  • Home delivery program and much more.
Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities

Manage the entire sales process of your commercial team and Immediately access management reports and complete data. 

Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities
  • All your equipment connected on the same platform so they can manage all messages in the same place.
  • The distribution of service tickets can be automatic or personalized
Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities

This allows us to consume a service and then use the information in automated processes with a virtual assistant.

Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities

Power these solutions with AI

Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities

You will be able to enhance Laraigo's functionalities with Artificial Intelligence such as IBM Watson, Open AI, LLaMA2, RASA, Google AI, Azure AI, which will allow you to increase the communication flow of your virtual assistant through a natural and personalized language. You can also include image and audio recognition, machine learning and a wide range of commercial and strategic applications.

Integrate any channel, system or payment gateway to your CRM

With Laraigo you can integrate any of your business platforms (ERP, payment gateway, META channels and others). We can custom integrate with any external or company service.

Laraigo | Laraigo – V3 functionalities